Sunday, October 3, 2010

All Hail Working Man

Working Man is a good man. If I ever complain about him, it's never in seriousness. I only jest about him good naturedly and in a way that keeps his pride from swallowing him whole. Not likely to happen anyway, but just in case...

But Working Man works incredibly hard around here. Just this last week he replaced the ever important screen on our bedroom, wired up our tack room with electricity, pulled all the hoses out of our garden, did sheep round-up and duck and goose round-up. Not to mention all his usual stuff. All hail Working Man.

In honor of Working Man, some of his tools:

What is Working Man without his hat? Not quite as steamy...but very sunburned.

The hat is so needs two pictures.

Okay, so the steamy hat needs three photos. But seriously...look at him work.

I did a little work too and Working Man in all his goodness, caught this photo on his phone for me. My young boy doesn't know what he's doing totally, but he tried hard.

The boots...mmm, Working Man's boots. These are a must have. They protect the feet after all.

But where would Working Man's boots be without Working Woman's boots? Nowhere. Absolutely nowhere.

Working Man, you are much appreciated. Without your boots, my boots would have no place to call home. All hail Working Man.

Of course, my flip flops are still my favorite.