Saturday, December 4, 2010

Living Here...

There are some great things to be said about living near a city. For example, I can work in said city and at the end of the day, come home to our home where we do not have neighbors right on top of us.

This is one reason I do not like working in the city and living outside of it:

Traffic...actually, an accident.


The interesting thing about this night? I was commenting to Working Man that I could feel the water sitting on top of the road. Be it that the road was saturated or we had not quite washed away the oil slick from summer, I could feel that my car didn't have quite the grip. There's a curve where the suggested speed is 35mph...I usually take it at 50. Anyway, I thought to myself that with the rain, I will need to be slow.

No need to worry about that. Someone unfortunately did not think of this or whatever, we had an accident at this very curve. And so we sat. Fortunately, not for very long. I hope everyone is ok from that accident.

Remember everyone, the roads are slick when wet, always go slower and watch the road more carefully!

And watch out for those darned pot holes in the dirt roads!