At the show on Sunday I took pictures of a bunch of my favorite bikes...and some of the weird bikes.
I loved the colors on this bike. Especially with the aged coloring.
This painting is stunning.
Love, love, love this rose. I don't much like roses but this is beautiful.
Okay, here's a weird bike. Little headlight...behind a large magnifying glass. I wanted to see this one lit up.
The joker. This bike was incredibly painted. There are question marks even on his skin!
This frog is so cute!
Here's another weird bike. There are eyeballs in the seat.
And this one is MADE of eyeballs.
I love the color of this one more than the content.
Mini bikes!
There were a lot more bikes there and there were plenty I would post here but I don't want to overwhelm you. I think the eyeballs in the seat or the bike made of eyeballs did that all on their own.