Monday, June 13, 2011

Weekly Baby Update: Week 10

I figure I need to do this week's baby update before Wednesday when I hit another new week. This last Wednesday Working Man and I had a prenatal class. They discussed genetic testing and showed us what our babies would look like at various points of gestation. At ten weeks, baby is itty bitty with itty bitty fingers and toes. Baby is the size of a kumquat this week, about 1 1/2 inches from crown to rump.

Can you believe that at this stage, baby's organs are in place already? The most vital part of gestation, the forming of organs, has come and gone. Now they are just developing. The liver is producing red blood cells and baby is swallowing amniotic fluid, a good practice for breathing baby will need to do. The kidneys are producing urine and if baby is a boy, baby is already producing testosterone with his testes.

Baby no longer has webbed fingers and toes. Finger nails are forming and tooth buds are forming under the gums. Elbows and knees are already working to make baby kick and punch. Baby's legs are folded up and baby's hands meet over baby's tiny little heart.

At this stage, my uterus has become the size of a grapefruit when it started as a small pear. Baby already needs a room bigger than baby is! Needy needy!

At this stage, I'm still tired but not as tired as I was. Walking around for long periods leaves me exhausted and I'm more glad than ever that I do not have stairs in my house, I would never survive. If my room were upstairs, I'd sleep on the couch.

I'm hungry every two to three hours during the day now. This makes it difficult to eat. At work, I'm up front with clients all the time. I often forget to take a break and eat something. Even worse, I often forget to bring anything to eat. Speaking of work, it's time to get ready for another week.

I'll see you Wednesday...hopefully.