Monday, March 28, 2011

The one where we all say, "Duh!"


I show you the above picture for the fireplace on the left. It's just a hint. We really don't take pictures of the fireplace primarily because it's painted white. The sister house down the road from us has the same fireplace but the previous owners didn't paint it white. What...the...deuce man! For years, we have lived with this unbearable eye sore in our house. Avoiding thinking about it except to say, "One day we'll clear everything out of the room and sand blast it back to it's original coloring."

Then, out of nowhere, MIL J suddenly has a stroke of brilliance. "If they painted it, why can't we?" Ooooooh. So obvious now. And much less messy. She began painting and painting and hey, we got our fireplace back!

The first few layers.

Already it looks a million times better.

Now with the addition of black and green.

The finished product with red and sealer. One of these days, we're going to put tile on the mantle and hearth but not yet.

No duh,