Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Two reasons you don't drink from the hose around here...

First off, this is not all about the hoses. Mostly, I just have a bunch of pictures of Rocky that I want to show you. It just so happens that a couple of these correspond with why you don't drink out of our hoses around here.

Reason 1: Self-explanatory


Reason 2: Also self-explanatory


Reason 3: I gave Rocky a bath, he also got a sheath cleaning...with the hose. For those of you who don't know what that is...let's just say boys get dirty places girls do not. After the bath, I bribed Rocky with a flake of hay to keep from rolling so I could get at least one picture.


Rocky likes a good grooming, can you tell?


And now, my final note of randomness. Rocky is a good luck attractant:


Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to wash my hands for the twentieth time. They still smell like sheath.


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