Anyway, last night, we completed our first tradition and had a whole bunch of appetizers for dinner. We successfully cleaned out our freezers. It's empty enough for next year's ideas of grandiose dinner nature. I don't have any pictures of this tradition. I was at work until it was already picked over and that does not make for a good photo.
The second tradition in our house is opening our gifts. We don't do the Christmas morning thing, it's a Christmas eve thing. Tonight we'll have a big dinner with Prime Rib (another tradition) but last night it was all about finger foods and gifts. It's important to note that when we have children, we will be taking over my old tradition. We will all open one gift on Christmas eve and open the rest on Christmas morning with cinnamon rolls. Messy, messy, drizzling, dripping...diabetes inducing...cinnamon rolls. Now...where was I? Oh yes, I want my children to experience the magic feeling of Christmas morning. Oh, and I forgot, we need the bacon with those cinnamon rolls. Heart attack AND diabetes. Wouldn't be Christmas without it.

This is one of my presents from MIL J. A bear hat! I like it! I feel like I'm channeling Amy from my work. She would totally wear this hat. I'm going to have to go kindergarten on this hat and put my name in it so she won't steal it.
On a side note. We had a memorable quote on Christmas Eve. Courtesy of MIL J: "Don't bite my balls!" Ah, family time. I'll leave you without explaining that.
Additionally, according to Working Man, this is when you know you are married:
Additionally, according to Working Man, this is when you know you are married:
I <3 Reading your Blog Sis! Miss you bunches! Merry Christmas :)