Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Weekly Baby Update: Week 5

Today we start week 5. Today, our baby went from a poppy seed to a sesame. Ok, so our baby has been growing to this size, it wasn't a sudden shoot up in size but that's beside the point. So our little sesame seed is now growing organs and this week, the heart will divide into chambers and begin to beat. This is incredibly exciting. It will be some time before we can hear it, but it's starting.

Our baby is also separated into three layers. The first is the ectoderm which is currently creating the neural tube which, as you might have guessed, will give rise to the nerves, brain, spinal cord, and spinal cord. This layer will also become the skin, hair, nails and more. The mesoderm is the middle layer and is going to become the circulatory system and heart (which we talked about above) along with muscles, cartilage, bone, and tissues beneath the skin. The final layer is the endoderm which will house several organs including the lungs, intestines, pancreas and others. For now, the placenta and umbilical, although in the very early stage, are starting to function for the baby in many of these capacities.

As for symptoms, I have many the same as before: Tiredness: Wait, you mean I'm not awake? I could have sworn my eyes were open when I was driving, officer.

Frequent trips to urinate: I'll be right back, just going to kill off another tree.

Sensitive olfactories: Okay, who didn't shower today?

Overly emotional: What do you mean I have to get my own water? You said you were bringing it to me! *Cries*

On the plus side, I've seen a few subside: acne (thank goodness!) and congestion

But now I have some cramping/stretching in my lower belly which is to be expected since the uterus is growing and everything holding it in place is learning to hold the extra weight. I also have a gurgle-y tummy most of the day. This is just a discomfort.

I had one of those days yesterday where I ate everything I had for the day...and did not feel like I had eaten at all. I strongly dislike the feeling of being hungry all the time, especially when I know I've eaten enough. Someone tell me this much will stop...For now, I'm just trying to keep track of portion sizes and nutritional content.Who knew babies were so needy when they were developing?

Plus, I'm pretty sure I've read too many studies during my time in college. It's taught me how to do proper research, how to read a study, and how many salt grains it's worth. Unfortunately, knowing all this, it makes my brain want to explode. Don't worry, I'm managing to contain that brain leaking out of my ears?

I think it's time for me to go now. I think I just found a new zit.

pregnancy calendar

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