Monday, December 12, 2011

Coming Soon...

With the countdown to Daisy nearing a close (18 days!) I figured I'd do a play on the 12 days of Christmas. This means I'll start next week on the 19th and finish my last day of Christmas on the 30th. Of course, I think I have to be at the hospital super early so...the last one may not be posted that day but a few days later.

While I'm here, I figure I should share a few of those less than glamorous moments of late pregnancy. I almost managed to avoid going in to L&D this whole pregnancy. Up until Friday that is. I had asked the doctor at what point I should be concerned about the swelling in my legs and feet. They told me if one was more swollen than the other or if it suddenly appeared. On Friday night, I had one tree trunk and one spindle. A call to L&D revealed we should go in to be evaluated. So our trial run to L&D began and a few hours later we were released. Apparently, 11pm is Daisy's most active time. She was a busy moving girl. No problems with my legs, she was just laying on one side more than the other. They said I didn't have any blood clots and to head on home. Finally made it home around 2am and promptly went to sleep.

For the most part, my feet and ankles swell every day within hours of getting out of bed. There's no stopping it or helping it, other than putting them up. Usually it's not painful but it is uncomfortable. Occasionally my feet do actually hurt, probably has to do with the skin stretching to its limits.

Let's see, other less glamorous parts of pregnancy. It take what feels like an hour to roll over in bed. My hips hurt so bad that rolling over has to be done in about eight or nine stages. I can't stay in one spot for too long because I get creases in my skin where the sheets wrinkled. This is the one time I need to be stocking up on sleep but it's definitely not happening right now.

On the up side, I'm only a few classes away from being done with classes for this semester. I have one more Nutrition class then the final and a final for human development on Wednesday. I'll be glad to be able to breathe and take a nap in the evenings rather than rushing off to class. I'll just keep counting them down.

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