
A peace sign? Really?

Thumbs up, this one I know. Was this thumbs up, yay you're taking our picture? Or thumbs up, yay you're about to die? Working Man and I are in the opposite lane running against traffic after all.

I think she's either waving to us...or trying to tell us to get behind them before we do die.

Or maybe she's trying to feel her fingers. I know I couldn't. Did I mention it was cold?
I think that every photographer should be required to take photos from the back of a motorcycle...and without the ability to feel their fingers. And I think your subjects should be so confusing that you have no idea what they're doing and you struggle to get a picture because you're afraid they're about to flip you off and you don't really want to see that. Additionally, having succeeded to take some pictures, you should have the added pressure of possibly running into a car going the opposite direction. Then let's see what kind of grit photographers of the world have.
On a side note, I can feel my fingers again. And I don't believe MIL J flipped me off.
On a side note, I can feel my fingers again. And I don't believe MIL J flipped me off.
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